Butterfly Liner with Brass Insert Pin (12mm to 14mm Seal)
levator – Lifts Butterfly
Product Description:
We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of wide range of Elevator/Lifts Butterfly that are widely renowned for slip resistance, corrosion and impact resistance, superior quality, light weight, ease of installation, low maintenance and many more. These are widely used in several small scale and large scale industries for regulating the various kind of liquid flow in pipes.
Available in Size:
It is available in 42mmL)*16mm(W)*16mm(H).
Butterfly Liner Heavy with Brass Insert Pin (16mm Seal)
lift/elevator butterfly liner heavy with brass insert pin (16mm seal)
Product Description:We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of wide range of Elevator/Lifts Butterfly Liner heavy with Brasss Insert Pin(16mm Seal) that are widely renowned for slip resistance, corrosion and impact resistance, superior quality, light weight, ease of installation, low maintenance and many more. These are widely used in several small scale and large scale industries for regulating the various kind of liquid flow in pipes.
Available in Size:
It is available in 42mm(L)*16mm(W)*16mm(H).
Butterfly Liner without Brass Insert Pin
Product Name:
Product Description:We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of wide range of Elevator/Lifts Butterfly Liner heavy without Brass Insert pin that are widely renowned for slip resistance, corrosion and impact resistance, superior quality, light weight, ease of installation, low maintenance and many more. These are widely used in several small scale and large scale industries for regulating the various kind of liquid flow in pipes.
Available in Size:
It is available in 42mm(L)*12-14mm(W)*16mm(H).